Short Sales
A short sale is a real estate purchase where a property is sold at a price that will not pay off the mortgage or mortgages and the seller looks to the mortgage holder(s) to accept less than is owed and release the mortgages against the property with a short payoff.
Short sales can provide excellent opportunities for buyers; however they present additional complexities and additional risk for the buyer. Our firm has closed many short sale transactions. It is important that a buyer have an experienced attorney represent them through the process.
One key to short sale success is to have a good contract that protects buyer expectations.
If you are a buyer considering a short sale, our firm can help to achieve a successful transaction. Contact us if you have questions about short sales or need representation in a short sale.
Our attorneys have over 50 years experience in the areas of real estate, real estate closings, commercial real estate closings, commercial transactions, commercial real estate contracts, commercial real estate development, commercial real estate sales, real estate investment, lender document preparation, foreclosure, industrial real estate, retail development, shopping center development, shopping center law, residential real estate, residential real estate contracts, real estate development, estate, estates, estate planning, decedents estates, wills, will preparation, trusts, trust administration, estate administration, intestate administration, testate administration, probate, inheritance, successions, business, business closings, buy-sell agreements, business law, buying and selling a business, small business, corporate law, contract law, franchise law, small business, business development, business dissolutions, business enterprises, business formation, business planning, business startups, business transfers, entrepreneurial business law, limited liability company law, small business law.
Contact us if you have questions about short sales or any of the above areas or need representation in same. You can contact us by phone or email.